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Stargazing Science: Unraveling the Mysteries of Space

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13 May 2024




21:00 (more or less) 

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Leuven Central

Margarethaplein 3, Leuven






Ever wondered if humans could actually colonize a planet? Join us as we kick of Pint of Science 2024 at leuven central with an evening exploring the science behind exoplanets and what we might find there, and how we could use materials found on other worlds to aid our discovery of the heavens above.

Digging for Gold in the Stars: unveiling the potential of extraterrestrial mining.

Rodolfo Marin Rivera

Research Associate

KU Leuven

The heavens have always intrigued us with questions about the universe, stars, and planets. Since the first satellite in 1957, space exploration has progressed, with astronauts visiting the moon and probes exploring the solar system. A new era in space exploration calls for venturing deeper into space. A settlement on the Moon is crucial for advancing space exploration. Developing technologies independent of Earth's resources is essential for human space capabilities. In-space construction with local materials and mineral/metal processing technologies will be vital for discovering new worlds.

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The road to finding a habitable exoplanet

Germain Garreau

PhD Research

KU Leuven

In astronomy, the detection of exoplanets (i.e., planets located outside our solar system) is an exciting new field of research but also a very challenging one. To detect them and assess their habitability, one needs to overcome two obstacles: the brightness of the host star and its small distance with exoplanets. I am working on a new instrument that aims to overcome both these obstacles. This technique has the advantage of combining several “small” telescopes instead of a very large one. If proven efficient, this technique could be used in space.

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From sci-fi to science: the diverse zoo of exoplanets

Thomas Konings

PhD Researcher

KU Leuven

Ever since the first science fiction stories about alien worlds were created, their existence was limited to our imagination. In 1995, imagination turned into reality with the discovery of the first planet orbiting a star other than the Sun, an exoplanet. Today, we have discovered over 5500 exoplanets that have revealed an astonishing diversity, blurring the line between science fiction and reality. Surfaces of molten lava, skies with sandy clouds, or years that only last a few hours, find out more about the most exotics worlds in our Universe.

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